Friday, December 2, 2011

How Anyone Can Write a Book Fast and Attract More Business!

Typical Scenario: Writing a book and seeing your work published is a thrill that very few people enjoy in a life time. Many people feel that they have a book in them and either start and procrastinate getting it done or never even make an attempt. We know that procrastination is a condition that can be corrected with desire and self discipline; never making an attempt to fulfill a dream is another light bulbs matter. Personal Story: The first time I ever thought about writing a book is when it dawned on me that I had something to say and people in my profession confirmed that thought by often telling me I should write a book. A few years went by and then I realized a purpose for my book which began the journey. The purpose was the instigator for realizing the book. In other words, I had an intention for this book to make a difference in my life and the life of others that read my book. The second reason for the book is the fact that as an author, in the eyes of my readers I become a perceived author-ity in my profession and to help attract more business. Now I had vision, but no knowledge on how to get this done i.e. how to write my masterpiece and get it published within my limited budget. So, on I go to our trusty friend, the internet. After typing in a few keywords on writing, authoring and publishing, I had a slew of websites to evaluate. after a day or two I bought a few courses and found that writing a book and getting it published wasn't all that difficult to do. How it Gets Done: After reading all these books and courses, I found a common theme and "outline" to write my book:1. Make sure you are clear on topic, purpose and vision for your book2. Create an outline of chapter topics (get a rough draft of titles)3. Create subtitles for each title (chapter)4. Create content provoking questions for each subtitle5. For each content provoking question include triggering points to to expand on the thought Once you have this done, you now have a great outline to begin writing you thoughts, opinions and stories, real or made up for illustration of a point. You will find that setting up your book this way makes the process fun and very quick. Publishing: Again, it the budget is low and you do not have great contacts, you can self-publish for free as an e-book. There are many services online. Getting graphics for a cover is very inexpensive and easily found online. If you decide to get the book into print, the free publishing sites such as youpublish have inexpensive resource recommendations for you. Why Write a Book...? As mentioned before when it is personal that requires no explanation. On the other hand, when we consider you as a business professional, business owner, entrepreneur, online marketer, anyone looking to attract more business, nothing will establish immediate trust and automatic influence over your prospects like your own book. Simply put, having a published book is without question the most effective, time saving and business producing tool any business leader could possible have. Look at The Secret Movie... Every single person in the movie is an author: Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, Michael Beckwith...the Motorcycle Apparel list goes on. Leaders write books for personal and business reasons. You can easily do the same. Just remember to not let procrastination get in the way, have a purpose and vision for your book, take action and your life and business will change for the better in a dramatic way.

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