Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Get Network Marketing Leads Fast and Easy

You have started your MLM or network marketing business and the lead flowand/or quality of leads is disappointing; or you are considering getting startedand reviewing ways to launch your business with the most certainty for success.Either way, it is a great sign that you are researching the business ofprospecting for your future success. Learning how to market online and offlineis vital to any business, and with network marketing it is everything! I do not want to bore you with statistics; however, you must know going intothis wonderful endeavor that over 95% of people that get started in a home basedbusiness such as network marketing never gain significant success. Most quit.Why:1. Lack of Leads2. Lack of Money3. Lack of Marketing Training4. Lack of Appropriate Duplication5. Lack of Branding and Attraction MarketingGet excited my friends! You can the above 1-4 lacks, and turn them into plentyfast. Number 5, branding takes some time; however, if you are dedicated tosuccess and follow the principles of attraction marketing, your future isguaranteed for success in your business endeavor. That is the nature of ouruniverse: the Laws of Compensation and Attraction are laws that are fixed and inunison with our world!So how do you get started with attracting leads to your business online? Youhave two ways: paid methods and free methods (nothing is entirely free..I'llexplain that later). Regardless of the method, whether paid or free, you mustlearn principles of marketing for each method. There are plenty of resources foryou in this regard.Paid Lead Capture Methods:1. Email lists2. Pay Per Click3. Co-op with your company4. Buy cold leads and semi-warm leads5. Magazine / eZine advertising6. Classifieds7. And a host of other advertising mediums : banners, fliers, bill boards, etc.Pretty extensive list and if you do not know much about advertising, you canspend a lot of money and not get much return. However, with a mentor guiding theway, you can make a profit quick with your advertising!Free Lead Capture Methods:1. Free Classifieds2. Posting on free sites such as Craig's List and others...3. Posting Flyers4. Article Marketing5. Press releases6. Video Marketing7. Web 2.0 sites such as Squidoo. Hub Pages and more...8. Social Media sites such as Face Book, My Space, Twitter and more...9. Commenting on Forums10. Networking in your community11. And again...a host of other avenues that involve networking Some of these "free" methods do require support technologies such as a camerafor video or a service such as article submitter, video submitter, anAutoresponder service, etc. Paid and free methods are how you market to attract leads. The question ishow do you get your business going with a guarantee for success AND results thatare fast and easy? Only one way for fast and easy...You must get a mentor andsystem that is established in the network marketing industry or learn how tomarket paid advertising. Either way, you will need help!You have several systems and people that are truly interested in your Iphone 4s Stand successand have the training, methods, and technologies needed for your success. On the market today you have The Mastermind System, MLMLeadSystemsPRO, MagneticSponsoring, List Builders, and a few others China Wholesale that have proven themselves valuableto the network marketer.Some people and a very limited few succeed without help because they had theoverwhelming desire to succeed, persistence, action orientation, and learnedeach of these methods by purchasing courses and downloading information from theinternet without any guidance. Very few have had success this way and when theydo, it took a lot of time. Your success will come much quicker with help inthese various methods from a mentor and a proven system. You will save atremendous amount of time and money and gain certainty for success by followinga proven path.

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